Saturday, February 15, 2025

Health & Medicine

Depression Increases Risk for Cognitive Impairment

While poor cardiovascular health damage blood flow to the brain increasing the risk for dementia, a new study indicates that depression may also take its toll on cognition.

Obesity: Overeating Is Not the Primary Cause

According to a The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition report, the actual cause of obesity has less to do with how much we eat and more to do with what we eat.

Antibody Neutralizes a Wide Range of SARS-CoV-2 Variants

Scientists at Washington University School of Medicine have identified an antibody that is very protective at low doses against a wide range of viral variants.

Cannabis Use May Increase Risk of Preterm Birth

Teenagers who use cannabis frequently may be more likely to have children born preterm, when they become parents up to twenty years later, finds a new study.

Immigrants to Canada Have Lower Strokes

Immigrants to Canada have a 33% lower rate of stroke than long-term residents, according to a study published in the August 18, 2021, online issue of Neurology.

When Obesity Causes Depression

Obesity causes depression and lowers well-being. A new study from the United Kingdom shows both social and physical factors may play a role in the effect.

Plant Foods Lower Heart Disease in Young and Older Women

Eating plant-based foods lowers heart disease at any age, according to two research studies published recently in the Journal of the American Heart Association.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Blood Predict Life Expectancy

Omega-3 is known for lower cardiovascular disease, cancer, and memory loss. Now scientists know blood level of omega-3 could be a good predictor of mortality.

COVID-19 Survivors Face Increased Risk of Death, Illness

COVID-19 survivors experience a strain of health loss that extends from lung to other vital organs increasing the risk of death beyond the 30 days of illness.

Blood Clotting in Covid-19 Linked to Abnormal Antibody Response

It is possible that the antibodies used to fight the disease activate unusual platelet activity in the lungs, causing the inflammation and blood clotting seen in more severe cases of Covid-19.

Memory Loss in Mice—Scientists Reverse

Scientists reversed age-related memory loss in mice. The discovery could lead to the development of treatments to prevent memory loss in people as they age.

Pandemic of Antibiotic Resistance Killing Children in Bangladesh

Antibiotic resistance is widespread in Bangladesh, and when it comes to its effect on young children, the suffering becomes deadlier—often results in mortality.

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